Welcome to
jobuzzportal.blogspot.in. National hydro-electric power corporation (NHPC) has
revealed notification for NHPC Recruitment 2013. NHPC Recruitment 2013 is
inviting the candidates those who are completing their courses that is Electrical Civil and Mechanical Engineering. NHPC notification 2013 has decided
to fill 180 posts in the NHPC Training Engineer through GATE. NHPC recruitment
2013 is hiring the candidates who have appeared in GATE-2014 can apply online
from 07-01-2014 to 21-01-2014. According to NHPC notification 2013 the no.of
vacancies in NHPC Training Engineer 2013 through GATE are 180 under each
department states that civil Trainee Engineers are 25 posts, Electrical Trainee
Engineers are 130 posts and Mechanical Trainee Engineers are 25 posts. The
Education Qualification of NHPC Govt Jobs 2013, the Candidates should have been
awarded Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc.(Engineering). Degree
in civil Engineering from recognized University approved by AICTE with 60%
marks. However the given notification of NHPC recruitment 2013, It clearly
mentioned that Aspirants would be selected through GATE Examination 2014. The
Adult age of the candidates should not exceeding thirty years as on 01-04-2014
for NHPC Training Engineer recruitment 2013. The Desirable candidates those who are
join in NHPC Govt Jobs 2013 must appear GATE-2014. NHPC Recruitment 2013, applications are
invited within 15 days from the date of publishing.So Interested candidates who
have passed mentioned qualification by NHPC notification 2013 can apply through
online official website www.nhpcindia.com. on before 02-09-2013 to 03-10-2013.
Other details of NHPC Training Engineer 2013 through GATE are mentioned
Company name:
National hydro power corporation(NHPC)
Job sector: Govt
Job profile: NHPC
Training Engineer 2013
No. of vacancies: 180
Qualification: The Candidates should have been awarded Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc.(Engineering).Degree in civil Engineering from recognized University approved by AICTE with 60% marks
Age limit: Not
exceeding 30 years.
How to Apply: Candidates who have passed mentioned qualification by NHPC notification 2013 can apply through online official website on before 02-09-2013 to 03-10-2013.
Selection Process: The NHPC Recruitment 2013 is selecting the candidates through GATE-2014.
Important Dates for GATE-2014:
Online submission of GATE
Application: 02-09-2013
Last date for online submission
of GATE Application: 03-10-2013
Last date for receipt of hard
copy of online GATE Application at respective GATE Offices: 10-10-2013
GATE Examination: Between
01-02-2014 and 02-03-2014
Announcement of GATE Results:
Important Dates to
Apply in NHPC:
Online submission of
applications forms: 07-01-2014
Last date for on-line
submission of applications: 21-01-2014
Last date for receipt
of hard copy of online application along with other documents: 05-02-2014.